Reminding: a journey from gray to gray

The Story Behind Reminding: One day I walked into my room, looked out my window and saw the makings of what would be a beautiful sunset. Just catching the start of it, I forwent taking a picture and decided to wait, come back, and capture the more spectacular moment that I knew was just ahead. I came back later and as I was taking the picture you see on the album cover, God spoke and showed me how very different His love is; that He doesn't look at moments, counting some as more beautiful than others, but rather it is the sum of all moments that He loves- the life, the journey. He loves us simply because we are just as He most complexly is.

This was a difficult thing for me to accept. I was on the other side of the world giving everything for Him, asking every night, "Did I make You smile today? Did I do enough?" The idea of Him loving me for me, a love so completely and willfully oblivious to what I do, was counteractive to the restlessness and discontent I held in my spirit. So God pulled me out, took me back, made me rest, made me slow down, made me listen, and made me see. He helped me learn how to be. How to be me. How to just be and be me and know that it is more than enough, that it is equally beautiful to Him. And that He loves the journey from Gray to Gray, from gray to gray.

This album is a reflection of that journey.


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